The Alexander Technique & Stretching
Sept 13 - Oct 11 (no class on 9/27)
4-class series
Sunday evenings from 5-6:15pm
At The Center for the Arts at Christ Church in New Haven
84 Broadway (Entrance on Elm St.)
$100 for all 4 classes
class size limited to 8
Advanced registration required--contact Rachel to register
Whether you stretch after exercise or as part of an injury recovery program, the Alexander Technique can help you maximize the benefit of your stretching routine.
The Alexander Technique can help you undo excess muscular tension that gets in the way of effective muscular release. Proven to increase range of motion, it teaches you to release into the stretch instead of strain.
Join Rachel in a friendly class environment. downward dog, forward bend, stretching quads and hamstrings, and low back releasing can be transformed when we shift our awareness.
Students may bring their own yoga or floor mat.