
Free Introductory Class

Thursday July 9, 6:15-7:30pm

Location: Erector Square, New Haven
Space is limited. Please contact Rachel to reserve a spot.

A new study recently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has shown the Alexander Technique to be more effective in treating back pain than some conventional or alternative therapies, and with longer lasting results. Students of the Technique report greatly reduced pain and often become pain-free. Doctors familiar with Alexander will often recommend patients try lessons in the Technique first before going on to other more invasive treatments-as discussed in the latest piece about the Alexander Technique in the New York Times (June 1, 2009). (See previous blog post for a direct link to this article)

F.M. Alexander discovered this work over 100 years ago as a way to avoid surgery for chronic voice problems. His self-observations led him to understand that his habits of holding tension throughout his body was contributing to his vocal loss. He was literaly cutting off his vocal chords by tightening his neck.

Alexander Technique can be beneficial in many ways including:
  • relief from chronic pain and stiffness
  • stress management
  • enhanced respiratory function
  • improved balance and coordination
  • injury prevention
  • improved ability in athletic activities
Join Rachel for a free introduction to the Alexander Technique. In a friendly group class environment we'll explore the work with hands-on demonstrations, group activities, and discussion.