
Beautiful head-neck-back relationship

Michael Phelps (on left) going 'forward and up' to win this race i.e. notice that his head is leading, his whole spine following. (Thanks Jessica Wolf for discovering this pix).


2008 BMJ Published study about effectiveness of AT in treating back pain

In 2008 the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a study that showed the effectiveness of the Alexander Technique in treating back pain. It showed it to be more effective than all other methods of treatment included in the study such as traditional medical treatment, prescribed exercise regimens, and massage. The combination of exercise and Alexander lessons also proved effective.

Here are links to the full study and some recent articles about the study in major US and British Publications:

Click here for the complete BMJ Study

From April's O, The Oprah Magazine

Boston Globe, November 2008

From the Times Online, UK

From BBC News